WASHINGTON,Washington, D.C. 20549




Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant


Filed by a Party other than the Registrant


Check the appropriate box:


Preliminary Proxy Statement


Confidential, Forfor Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))


Definitive Proxy Statement


Definitive Additional Materials


Soliciting Material under 240.14aPursuant to §240.14a-12

LONGEVERON INC.Longeveron Inc.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if Other Thanother than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box)all boxes that apply):


No fee required.required


Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.materials


Fee computed on table in exhibit required by Item 25(b) per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.


Table of Contents


November [•], 2023To Be Held on February 21, 2024

Dear Stockholders of Longeveron Inc.:

YouWe are cordially invitedpleased to ainvite you to attend our Special Meeting of Stockholders (the “Special Meeting”) of Longeveron Inc. (the “Company”) to be held via live webcastvirtually on February21, 2024 at the virtual meeting site, www.colonialstock.com/LGVN20231:00 p.m., beginning at 11 a.m., Eastern Time.

TheTime (the “Special Meeting”). At the Special Meeting, has been called by the Board of Directorswe will ask you to submit to stockholders for approvalconsider the following matters:proposals:

1.      The approval, pursuantTo approve an amendment to Nasdaq listing rules,our certificate of the issuanceincorporation (the “Charter”) to effect a reverse stock split of the warrantsour outstanding shares of Class A common stock, par value $0.001 per share (the “Class A Common Stock”) and Class B common stock, par value $0.001 per share (the “Class B Common Stock” and together with the issuance of the Company’s Class A Common Stock, upon the exerciseCommon Stock”), at a ratio, ranging from one-for-five (1:5) to one-for-fifteen (1:15), with the exact ratio to be set within that range at the discretion of our CommonBoard of Directors without further approval or authorization of our stockholders (the “Reverse Stock warrants issued pursuant to the terms of a private placement financing transaction set forth in the Securities Purchase Agreement, dated October 11, 2023 (the “Purchase Agreement’Split Proposal), between the Company and the investor party thereto (the “Securities Purchase Agreement”) and the engagement letter, as amended, dated September 28, 2023, between the Company and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC (the “Engagement Letter”), which proposal we refer to as the “Warrant Exercise Proposal”; and

2.      The approval ofTo approve a proposal to adjourn the Special Meeting to a later date or dates, if necessary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation and vote of proxies in the event that there are insufficient votes for, or otherwise in connection with, the approval of the Warrant Exercise Proposal.Reverse Stock Split Proposal (the “Adjournment Proposal”).

A Proxy Statement describing these mattersThe Special Meeting will be a completely virtual meeting, which will be conducted via live webcast. You will be able to be acted upon atlisten to the Special Meeting, is attached. No other matters will be considered atsubmit your questions, and vote during the Special Meeting. The close of business on November 3, 2023 has been fixed as the record date for the determination of stockholderslive webcast of the Companymeeting by visiting www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024 shortly prior to the scheduled start of the meeting and entering the 16-digit control number found on the proxy card or voting instruction form.

The Reverse Stock Split Proposal was approved by our Board of Directors (the “Board”), at a ratio to be determined by the Board at a later date in its discretion, and requires the affirmative vote of the majority of the votes of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to notice of, andvote on the proposal, to vote at,be approved.

Pursuant to the Special Meeting. Only stockholders of record atCompany’s Bylaws, as amended (the “Bylaws”), the Board has fixed the close of business on November 3, 2023 areJanuary 26, 2024 as the Record Date for determining the stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Special Meeting andor any adjournment or postponementadjournments thereof.

We are mailing to most Only the stockholders of record of our stockholders a NoticeCommon Stock are entitled to receive notice of, Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the ”Notice”) instead of a paper copy ofand to vote at, the attached Proxy Statement. The Notice contains instructions on how to access those documents over the Internet. The Notice also contains instructions on how to request a paper copy of our proxy materials, including the attached Proxy Statement and a form of proxy card. All stockholders who request a paper copy of our proxy materials will receive a paper copy of the proxy materials by mail.Special Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to participate in the virtual online Special Meeting, you can be suremeeting, we would like for your shares are represented atto be represented. Please vote as soon as possible via the meeting by promptly voting your shares as instructed in the Notice,Internet, telephone, or by requesting a printed proxy card, ifmail.


/s/ Wa’el Hashad

Wa’el Hashad,

Chief Executive Officer

Whether or not you prefer, and completing, signing, dating and returning the printed proxy card by mail. If you later decideexpect to participate in the Special Meeting, please vote via the Internet, by telephone, or complete, date, sign and wish to change your vote, you may do so simply by voting online duringpromptly return the meeting.

To log in to and participate in the virtual Special Meeting, you will need the stockholder control number and meeting password located on the Notice, on youraccompanying proxy card or on the instructions that accompanied your proxy materials. Please keep this information in a safe place so it is available to you for the meeting.

On behalf of Longeveron Inc., I thank you for your ongoing interest and investment in our company.


Dr. Joshua Hare
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Table of Contents

1951 NW 7
thAvenue, Suite 520
Miami, Florida 33136


November [•], 2023

Dear Stockholders of Longeveron Inc.:

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Longeveron Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”) has called for a Special Meeting of stockholders (the “Special Meeting”), to be held on Tuesday, December 26, 2023, at 11 a.m. Eastern Time, at the virtual meeting site www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2023. The Special Meeting will be held solely online, and as such there is no physical address for the Special Meeting, for the following purposes:

1.      Warrant Exercise.    To approve for purposes of complying with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d), the issuance of the warrants and the issuance of the Company’s Class A Common Stock upon the exercise of warrants pursuant to the terms of a private placement financing transaction set forthvoting instruction card in the Securities Purchase Agreement, dated October 11, 2023, between the Company and the investor party thereto (the “Purchase Agreement”) and the engagement letter, dated September 28, 2023, between the Company and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC (the “Engagement Letter”), which proposal we refer to as the “Warrant Exercise Proposal”; and

2.      enclosed postageAdjournment Proposal.-paid    Stockholder approval of a proposal to adjourn the Special Meeting to a later date, if necessary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation and vote of proxies in the event envelope so that there are insufficient votes for, or otherwise in connection with, the approval of the Warrant Exercise Proposal or the Authorized Preferred Stock Proposal.

No other matters willyour shares may be consideredrepresented at the Special Meeting.

Pursuant to the Company’s Bylaws, as amended (the “Bylaws”), the Board has fixed the close of business on November 3, 2023 as the record date for determination of the stockholders entitled to vote at the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. Please complete, sign and submit your proxy, which is solicited by the Board of Directors, as soon as possible promptly in accordance with the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the “Notice”) or by requesting a printed proxy card, if you prefer, and completing, signing, dating and returning the proxy card, or the form forwarded by your bank, broker or other holder of record, by mail. If you attend the Special Meeting online and vote your shares at that time, your proxy will not be used.

ThisImportant Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Special Meeting of Stockholders to be Held on February21, 2024: Pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), with respect to the Special Meeting, we have elected to utilize the “full set delivery” option of providing paper copies of all of our proxy materials by mail. The Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement and the proxy card are also available online at:at www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2023LGVN2024..


Paul Lehr
Corporate Secretary
Miami, Florida


Table of ContentsPROXY STATEMENT


Table of ContentsTo Be Held On February 21, 2024             









What is the purpose of the Special Meeting?PROPOSAL ONE: REVERSE STOCK SPLIT PROPOSAL




Who is entitled to vote at the Special Meeting?PROPOSAL TWO: THE ADJOURNMENT PROPOSAL








What shares may I vote?HOUSEHOLDING




What is the difference between holding shares as a stockholder of record and as a beneficial owner?



What are the recommendations of the Board?



What constitutes a quorum at the Special Meeting?



What vote is required to approve each proposal?



What is the effect of abstentions and broker non-votes?



May I change my vote?



Who is paying for this proxy solicitation?



How can I find out the results of the voting at the Special Meeting?






















Table of Contents



To Be Held at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on
February 21, 2024

The NoticeThis proxy statement and the enclosed form of Special Meeting, Proxy Statement and Proxyproxy are available at:

We are making these proxy materials available to youfurnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by theour Board of Directors (the “Board”Board” or “Board of Directors) for use at the special meeting of stockholders of Longeveron Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any postponements, adjournments or continuations thereof (the “Company”) for a Special Meeting of Stockholders (the “Special Meeting”) and for any adjournment or postponement of the Special Meeting. The mailing of the notice of internet availability of these proxy materials will commence on November [•], 2023.

. The Special Meeting will be a completely virtual meetingheld virtually on February21, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

References in this Proxy Statement to “we,” “us,” “our,” the “Company” or “Longeveron” refer to Longeveron Inc. In addition, unless the context otherwise requires, references to “stockholders” are to the holders of stockholders,our Class A Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share and our Class B Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share (collectively, our “Common Stock”).

This proxy statement contains important information for you to consider when deciding how to vote on the matters for which we are soliciting proxies. Please read it carefully.

The Special Meeting can be accessed via the Internet at www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024 where you will be conducted exclusively by webcast.able to listen to the meeting live, submit questions, and vote online. You are entitled to participate in the Special Meeting only if you were a stockholder of the Company as of the close of business on the Record Date, or if you hold a valid proxy for the Special Meeting. No physical meeting will be held. In this Proxy Statement, “we,” “us,” “our,” “Longeveron” and the “Company” refer to Longeveron Inc.

This Proxy Statement is being made available to you because you own shares of our Common Stock par value $0.001 per share (the “Common Stock”), or Class B Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share (the “Class B Common Stock”), as of the record date,Record Date, which entitles you to vote at the Special Meeting. By use of a proxy, you can vote whether or not you attend the Special Meeting. This Proxy Statement describes the matters we would like you to vote on and provides information on those matters.

We have opted to provide our materials pursuant to the “full set delivery option” in connection with the Special Meeting. Under the full set delivery option, a company delivers paper copies of all proxy materials to each stockholder. The Notice of Special Meeting, this Proxy Statement and the form of proxy are first being mailed on or about February5, 2024, to all stockholders entitled to vote at the Special Meeting. In addition to delivering proxy materials to stockholders, we must also post all proxy materials on a publicly accessible website and provide information to stockholders about how to access that website. Accordingly, you should have received our proxy materials by mail. These proxy materials are also available at www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024.




Q:     What is the purpose ofitems will be voted on at the Special Meeting?

A:     The purposes of the Special Meeting are to hold a stockholderStockholders will vote on the following matters:items at the Special Meeting:

1.      Warrant Exercise•        .    The approvalTo approve an amendment to our certificate of incorporation (the “Charter”) in the form attached to the proxy statement as Annex A, to, at the discretion of the issuanceBoard, effect a reverse stock split of up to (i) 4,848,486our outstanding shares of our Common Stock, uponat a ratio, ranging from one-for-five (1:5) to one-for-fifteen (1:15), with the exerciseexact ratio to be set within that range at the discretion of our Common Stock purchase warrants issued to an institutional Purchaser in a private transaction that occurred concurrently with our registered offering that closed on October 13, 2023 (the “Purchaser Warrants”), and (ii) 169,697 sharesBoard without further approval or authorization of our Commonstockholders (the “Reverse Stock upon the exercise of a Common Stock purchase warrant issued to H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its designees (the “Agent”) as partial compensation for services in connection with the referenced transaction (the “Placement Agent Warrant” and together with the Purchaser Warrants, the “Warrants”) that may be equal toSplit Proposal or exceed 20% of our Common Stock outstanding before such offering (the “Warrant Exercise Proposal”Proposal 1); and

2.      Adjournment Proposal•        .    The approval ofTo approve a proposal to adjourn the annual or special meetingSpecial Meeting to a later date or dates, if necessary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation and vote of proxies in the event that there are insufficient votes for, or otherwise in connection with, the approval of the Warrant ExerciseReverse Stock Split Proposal (the “Adjournment Proposalor the Authorized Preferred Stock Proposal.Proposal 2”).

Other than these proposals, no other proposals will be presented for a vote at the Special Meeting.

Q:     Why is the Company electing to effect a reverse stock split?

Our Board has adopted a resolution declaring advisable, and recommending to our stockholders for their approval, an amendment to our Charter (the “Reverse Stock Split Amendment”) authorizing a reverse stock split of the outstanding shares of our Common Stock at a ratio in the range of 1:5 to 1:15, with such ratio to be determined by the Board (the “Reverse Stock Split”), and granting the Board the discretion to file a certificate of amendment to our Charter with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware effecting the Reverse Stock Split or to abandon the Reverse Stock Split altogether. The primary goal of the Reverse Stock Split is to increase the per share market price of our Class A Common Stock to meet the minimum per share bid price requirements for continued listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”).

The form of the proposed Reverse Stock Split Amendment is attached to this proxy statement as Annex A. The Reverse Stock Split Amendment will effect the Reverse Stock Split by reducing the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock as compared to the number of outstanding shares immediately prior to the effectiveness of the Reverse Stock Split, but will not increase the par value of Common Stock, and will not change the number of authorized shares of our capital stock. Stockholders are urged to carefully read Annex A. If implemented, the number of shares of our Common Stock owned by each of our stockholders will be reduced by the same proportion as the reduction in the total number of shares of our Common Stock outstanding, so that the percentage of our outstanding Common Stock owned by each of our stockholders will remain approximately the same, except to the extent that the Reverse Stock Split could result in some or all of our stockholders receiving one share of Common Stock in lieu of a fractional share.

How does the Board of Directors recommend I vote on these proposals?

The Board recommends a vote:

•        “FOR” the approval of an amendment to our Charter to effect a reverse stock split of our outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, at a ratio, ranging from one-for-five (1:5) to one-for-fifteen (1:15), with the exact ratio to be set within that range at the discretion of our Board of Directors without further approval or authorization of our stockholders; and

•        “FOR” the approval of a proposal to adjourn the Special Meeting to a later date or dates, if necessary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation and vote of proxies in the event that there are insufficient votes for, or otherwise in connection with, the approval of the Reverse Stock Split Proposal.


Why is the Special Meeting a virtual, online meeting?

The Special Meeting will be a virtual meeting of stockholders where stockholders will participate by accessing a website using the Internet. There will not be a physical meeting location. We believe that hosting a virtual meeting will facilitate stockholder attendance and participation at the Special Meeting by enabling stockholders to participate remotely from any location around the world. We have designed the Special Meeting to provide the same rights and opportunities to participate as stockholders have at an in-person meeting, including the right to vote and submit questions through the virtual meeting platform.

How do I virtually attend the Special Meeting?

We will host the Special Meeting live online. The webcast of the Special Meeting will start at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on February21, 2024. Online access to the webcast will open fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the Special Meeting to allow time for you to log-in and test your device’s audio system. To be admitted to the Special Meeting, you will need to log-in at www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024 using the 16-digit control number on the proxy card or voting instruction form.

If you encounter any difficulties accessing the virtual meeting or during the virtual meeting, please call the technical support team at the telephone number available on www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024.

Who is entitled to vote at the Special Meeting?Meeting, and how many votes do they have?

A:     HoldersStockholders of record of our Common Stock and Class B Common Stock as ofat the close of business on November 3, 2023January 26, 2024 (the “Record Date”Record Date), will be entitled to notice may vote at the Special Meeting. There were 10,290,472 shares of Class A Common Stock and14,839,993 shares of Class B Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date. A complete list of registered stockholders entitled to vote at the Special Meeting andwill be available for inspection at any adjournments or postponements thereof. Holdersthe principal executive offices of recordthe Company during regular business hours for the 10 calendar days prior to the Special Meeting. The list will also be available online during the Special Meeting.

Pursuant to the rights of sharesour stockholders contained in our Charter, each share of our Class A Common Stock is entitled to one vote on all matters listed in this proxy statement and each share of our Class B Common Stock areis entitled to votefive votes on all matters brought beforelisted in this proxy statement.

What vote is required to approve each proposal and how are votes counted?

Proposal 1, the Special Meeting.

AsReverse Stock Split Proposal:    The approval of the Record Date, there were            sharesReverse Stock Split Proposal requires the affirmative vote of the majority of the votes of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote and            shares of Class B Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote. Holders of Common Stock are entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock outstanding ason the proposal.

Proposal 2, the Adjournment Proposal:    The approval of the Record Date and holders of Class B Common Stock are entitled to five votes for each share of Class B Common Stock outstanding as of the Record Date.

You do not need to attend the Special Meeting to vote your shares. Instead, you may vote your shares by marking, signing, dating and returning the enclosed proxy card or voting through the internet.

Q:     How do I vote?

A:     You will be able to attend the Special Meeting online and submit your questions during the meeting by visiting www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2023. You also will be able to vote your shares online by attending the Special Meeting by webcast. To participate in the Special Meeting, you will need to enter the control number and meeting password included on your Notice, on your proxy card or on the instructions that accompanied your proxy materials.

Please also note that if you hold your shares in “street name” (that is, through a broker or other nominee), you may need to follow additional instructions provided by your broker in order to vote your shares during the Special Meeting.

The online meeting will begin promptly at 11 a.m. Eastern Time. We encourage you to access the meeting prior to the start time leaving ample time for the check in. Online access will begin at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Please follow the registration instructions as outlined in this Proxy Statement.

Q:     What shares may I vote?

A:     You may vote all shares of Common Stock and Class B Common Stock of the Company that you owned as of the close of business on the Record Date. These shares include:

1.      those held directly in your name as the stockholder of record; and

2.      those held for you as the beneficial owner through a bank, broker or other financial intermediary at the close of business on the record date.


Table of Contents

Q:     What is the difference between holding shares as a stockholder of record and as a beneficial owner?

A:     Most stockholders hold their shares through a bank, broker or other financial intermediary rather than directly in their own name. As summarized below, there are some distinctions between shares held of record and shares held beneficially.

Stockholder of Record:    If your shares are registered directly in your name with Longeveron’s transfer agent, Colonial Stock Transfer Company, or the Transfer Agent, you are considered, with respect to those shares, the stockholder of record. As the stockholder of record, you have the right to grant your proxy directly to Longeveron or to vote your shares virtually at the Special Meeting.

Beneficial Owner:    If you hold shares in a stock brokerage account or through a bank or other financial intermediary, you are considered the beneficialowner of shares held in street name. Your bank, broker or other financial intermediary is considered, with respect to those shares, the stockholder of record. As the beneficial owner, you have the right to direct your bank, broker or other financial intermediary on how to vote your shares, but because you are not the stockholder of record, you may not vote these shares in person at the Special Meeting unless you obtain a signed proxy from the stockholder of record giving you the right to vote the shares. As a beneficial owner, you are, however, welcome to attend the Special Meeting.

Q:     What are the recommendations of the Board?

A:     The Board recommends that you vote:

1.      “FOR” the Warrant Exercise Proposal; and

2.      “FOR” the proposal to adjourn the Special Meeting if the Warrant Exercise Proposal is not approved by the requisite vote.

No other matters may be brought before the Special Meeting.

Q:     What constitutes a quorum at the Special Meeting?

A:     The presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the votes represented by the outstanding Common Stock is necessary to constitute a quorum at the Special Meeting. As of the Record Date,            shares of Common Stock representing the same number of votes and            shares of Class B Common Stock representing            votes were issued and outstanding. Thus, the presence at the Special Meeting, in person or by proxy, of holders of Common Stock or Class B Common Stock, or a combination thereof, representing at least            votes will be required to establish a quorum, which permits business to be conducted at the Special Meeting. Abstentions and broker non-votes count as present for establishing a quorum but will not be counted as votes cast. If a quorum is not present, the meeting may be adjourned until a quorum is obtained.

Q:     What vote is required to approve each proposal?

A:     Each proposal has its own vote requirement as follows:

Proposal One: Approval of the Warrant Exercise Proposal.    The Warrant ExerciseAdjournment Proposal requires the affirmative vote of athe majority of the votes cast by all stockholdersthe holders of our Common Stock present in person (via live webcast) or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal.

Proposal Two: Adjournment.    The approvalEffect of the adjournment proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by all stockholders present in person or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal.Abstentions & Broker Non-Votes

Q:     What is the effect of abstentions and broker non-votes?Abstentions

A:     AnUnder Delaware law, an “abstain” vote is counted as present for the purposes of determining whether a quorum exists but is not considered a vote cast either for or against a proposal. As such, abstentions are considered to have the practical effect of a vote against the Reverse Stock Split Proposal and will not have any effect on the outcome of the Adjournment Proposal.

Broker Non-Votes

A broker “non-vote” is counted as present for the purposes of determining whether a quorum exists. Abstentions areA broker “non-vote” occurs when a nominee holding shares for a beneficial owner does not considered votes cast either for or againstvote on a proposal. Because each ofparticular proposal because the proposals set forth in this proxy statement requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the votes cast in order to pass, abstentions willnominee does not have any effect ondiscretionary voting power for that particular item and has not received instructions from the outcomebeneficial owner. A bank, broker or other nominee holding the shares of Common Stock in “street name” for a beneficial owner has discretion (but is not required) to vote the proposals presented atbeneficial owner’s share of Common Stock with respect to “routine” matters if the Special Meeting.beneficial owner does not provide voting instructions. The


Tablebroker or other nominee, however, is not permitted to vote the beneficial owner’s share of Contents

Common Stock with respect to “non-routine” matters without voting instructions. A “broker non-vote” occurs when the broker or other nominee does not vote on a particular proposal because that broker or other nominee does not have discretionary voting power for that particular item and has not received voting instructions from the beneficial owner and the broker does not have discretionary authority to vote the shares because the proposal is non-routine. owner.

We believe that the Warrant ExerciseReverse Split Proposal will be considered a non-routine matter under applicable rules, while the adjournment proposalAdjournment Proposal will be considered routine. Accordingly, brokersa bank, broker or other nominee that dodoes not receive instructions from the beneficial owner will be entitled to vote such owner’s shares in its discretion solely on the adjournmentAdjournment Proposal and will not have discretionary authority to vote on the Reverse Stock Split proposal. Broker non-votes will be considered to have nothe practical effect of a vote against the Reverse Stock Split proposal and not have any effect on the outcomeAdjournment Proposal.

Stockholder of Record: Shares Registered in Your Name

If, on the Record Date, your shares were registered directly in your name with our transfer agent, Colonial Stock Transfer Company, Inc. (“Colonial”), then you are a stockholder of record, and you can vote your shares at the Special Meeting by one of the Warrant Exercise Proposal.methods described below in the section entitled “How Do I Vote and When is the Deadline for Voting? — Stockholder of Record”.

Q:     MayBeneficial Owner: Shares Registered in the Name of a Broker or Bank, a.k.a. “Street Name”

If, on the Record Date, your shares were held in an account at a brokerage firm, bank, dealer or other similar organization, then you are the beneficial owner of shares held in “street name” and you may vote your shares at the Special Meeting by one of the methods described below in the section entitled “How Do I Vote and When is the Deadline for Voting? — Hold Shares in Street Name”.

How Will I Receive Proxy Materials?

On or about February5, 2024, we will mail proxy materials to holders of record of our Common Stock as of the close of business on the Record Date.

How many shares must be represented to have a quorum and hold the Special Meeting?

Our Bylaws provide that the presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority in voting power of the issued and outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote at the meeting, will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Special Meeting. As of the Record Date there were 10,290,472 shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding, each with one vote per share, and 14,839,993 shares of Class B Common Stock outstanding, each with five votes per share. As such, the presence in person or by proxy, of holders of at least 42,245,219 votes will constitute a quorum at the meeting.

How Do I Vote and When is the Deadline for Voting?

Whether you plan to attend the Special Meeting or not, we urge you to submit your proxy to vote. Submitting a proxy to vote your shares will not affect your right to attend the Special Meeting.

Stockholder of Record

If your shares are registered directly in your name, you may vote or submit your proxy to vote:

•        By mail.    Complete and mail the enclosed proxy card in the enclosed postage prepaid envelope. Your proxy will be voted in accordance with your instructions. If you sign the proxy card but do not specify how you want your shares voted, they will be voted as recommended by our Board. Your proxy card must be received on or before February 20, 2024, the day before the Special Meeting, to be counted.

•        In attendance at the Special Meeting.    You may vote during the virtual meeting through www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024. To be admitted to the Special Meeting and vote your shares, you must provide the control number as described in the proxy card mailed to you.


•        Over the Internet.    You may submit your proxy to vote via the Internet by going to www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024 and following the on-screen instructions. Please have your proxy card available when you access the webpage. Your proxy to vote must be received prior to 7:00 P.M. Eastern time on February 20, 2024, the day before the Special Meeting, to be counted.

•        By telephone.    You may vote over the telephone by calling toll-free 877-285-8605 in the U.S. and following the recorded instructions. Please have your proxy card available when you call. Your vote must be received prior to 7:00 P.M. Eastern time on February 20, 2024, the day before the Special Meeting, to be counted.

Hold Shares in “Street Name”

If you hold shares in “street name,” the organization holding your account is considered the stockholder of record for purposes of voting at the Special Meeting. The stockholder of record will provide you with instructions on how to direct your bank, broker, financial intermediary, or other nominee on how to vote your shares. Internet and telephone instructions will be offered to stockholders owning shares through most banks, brokers, financial intermediaries, or other nominees. Additionally, if you would like to vote at the Special Meeting via live webcast, you must contact the bank, broker, financial intermediary or other nominee who holds your shares and you may need to follow additional instructions provided by them in order to vote your shares during the Special Meeting.

Can I change my vote?vote or revoke my proxy?

A:     Yes. You may change your proxy instructionsvote or revoke your proxy at any time prior to the taking of the vote at the Special Meeting.

If you are the stockholder of record, you may change your vote by (1) granting a new proxy bearing a later date (which automatically revokes the earlier proxy) using any of the methods described above (and until the applicable deadline for each method), (2) providing a written notice of revocation to Longeveron’s General Counsel at Longeveron Inc., 1951 NW 7th Ave., Suite 520, Miami, FL 33136 prior to your shares being voted, or (3) attending the Special Meeting and voting via the Internet. Attendance at the Special Meeting will not cause your previously granted proxy to be revoked unless you specifically so request or vote electronically at the Special Meeting. For shares held directlyyou hold beneficially in your“street name, you may accomplish this by: (a) delivering a written notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Company or the Secretary’s designated agent bearing a later date than the proxy being revoked, (b) signing and delivering a later dated written proxy relating to the same shares, or (c) attending the Special Meeting and voting in person (although attendance at the Special Meeting will not in and of itself constitute a revocation of a proxy). For shares held in street name, yougenerally may change your vote by submitting new voting instructions to your broker, bank, trustee, or nominee.

Q:     Who is paying for thisnominee following the instructions they provided, or, if you have obtained a legal proxy solicitation?

A:     We are paying for this proxy solicitation. Our officersfrom your broker, bank, trustee, or nominee giving you the right to vote your shares, by attending and other regular employees may solicit proxies by mail, in person or by telephone or telecopy. These officers and other regular employees will not receive additional compensation. The Company may retain a third-party proxy solicitor for the Special Meeting, whose costs, if retained, we estimate would be approximately $10,000. We will reimburse banks, brokers, nominees, custodians and fiduciaries for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in sending the proxy materials to beneficial owners of the shares.

Q:     How can I find out the results of the voting electronically at the Special Meeting?

A:     Preliminary voting results will be announced at the Special Meeting. In addition, final voting results will be published in a Current Report on Form 8-K that we expect to file within four business days after the completion of the Special Meeting.


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The number of shares of the Company’s Common Stock outstanding at the close of business on November 3, 2023 was            shares of Common Stock and            shares of Class B Common Stock. The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of the Company’s Common Stock, as of November 3, 2023, by each Company director and executive officer, and by all directors and executive officers as a group. Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act. In computing the number of shares beneficially owned by a person or a group and the percentage ownership of that person or group, shares of our Common Stock subject to vesting, options and warrants currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days after November 3, 2023 are deemed outstanding, but are not deemed outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person. To the knowledge of the directors and executive officers of the Company, as of November 3, 2023, other than the individuals listed below, there are no persons and/or companies who or which beneficially own, directly or indirectly, shares representing more than 5% of the voting rights attached to all outstanding shares of the Company, other than as set forth below. Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each beneficial owner listed below is c/o Longeveron Inc., 1951 NW 7th Ave, Suite 520, Miami, FL 33136, and none of the shares listed are pledged.

Name of Affiliate


Class A




Class B




% of Total


% of Total Common Stock Beneficially Owned

Greater than 5% Holder:


Donald M. Soffer






Executive Officers and Directors


Joshua M. Hare, M.D.(2)






Rock Soffer






Neil E. Hare(3)





Cathy Ross(4)





Ursula Ungaro(4)





Douglas Losordo(4)





Khoso Baluch





Jeffrey Pfeffer





Wa’el Hashad(5)





Lisa Locklear(6)





Paul Lehr(7)





Nataliya Agafonova(8)






*        Less than 1%.

(1)      Percentage of total voting power represents voting power with respect to all shares of our Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, as a single class. The holders of our Class B Common Stock are entitled to five (5) votes per share, and holders of our Class A Common Stock are entitled to one (1) vote per share. See the section titled “Description of Capital Stock — Common Stock — Voting Rights” for additional information about the voting rights of our Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock.

(2)      Amount includes 1,078 RSUs that may vest and 35,625 stock options that are or may become exercisable within 60 days following November 3, 2023. Amount also includes 53,314 shares held by an affiliated entity. Dr. Hare disclaims beneficial ownership except to the extent of his pecuniary interest.

(3)      Amount includes 894 shares of Class A Common Stock owned by Global Vision Communications, LLC, where Mr. Hare is the managing member. Mr. Hare disclaims beneficial ownership except to the extent of his pecuniary interest.

(4)      Amount includes 1,250 stock options that are or may become exercisable within 60 days following November 3, 2023.

(5)      Amount includes 12,500 RSUs that may vest within 60 days following November 3, 2023.

(6)      Amount includes 10,000 RSUs that may vest within 60 days following November 3, 2023.

(7)      Amount includes 3,345 RSUs that may vest and 49,369 stock options that are or may become exercisable within 60 days following November 3, 2023.

(8)      Amount includes 7,500 RSUs that may vest within 60 days following November 3, 2023.


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We are seeking stockholder approval for the issuance of upWill choosing not to (i) 4,848,486vote my shares of our Common Stock upon the exercise of the Purchaser Warrants and (ii) 169,697 shares of our Common Stock upon the exercise of the Placement Agent Warrant, that were issued in and in connection with our offering that closed on October 13, 2023 (the “Offering”) as contemplated by Nasdaq Listing Rules, that may be equal to or exceed 20% of our Common Stock outstanding before such offering.

On October 11, 2023, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with an institutional Purchaser (the “Purchaser”), pursuant to which we sold 2,365,000 shares of the Company’s Common Stock and pre-funded warrants (the “Pre-funded Warrants”) to purchase up to 59,243 shares of Common Stock. The shares of Common Stock, Pre-Funded Warrants and shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Pre-Funded Warrants were offered by the Company pursuant to a prospectus supplement, dated October 11, 2023, and accompanying prospectus, in connection with a takedown from the Company’s shelf registration statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-264142), which was declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 14, 2022.

In a concurrent private placement, the Company also agreed to sell to the Purchaser unregistered Series A warrants to purchase up to an aggregate of 2,424,243 shares of Common Stock (the “Series A Warrants”) and unregistered Series B warrants to purchase up to an aggregate of 2,424,243 shares of its Common Stock (the “Series B Warrants” and together with the Series A Warrants, the “Purchaser Warrants”) (collectively, the “Private Placement”). The unregistered Series A Warrants have an exercise price of $1.65 per share, will become exercisable commencing on the effective date of stockholder approval of the issuance of the shares issuable upon exercise of the Series A Warrants, and have a term of five and one-half years from the date of issuance. The unregistered Series B Warrants have an exercise price of $1.65 per share, will become exercisable commencing on the effective date of stockholder approval of the issuance of the shares issuable upon exercise of the Series B Warrants, and have a term of eighteen months from the date of issuance.

On October 13, 2023, we issued the Placement Agent Warrant to H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its designees as partial compensation for services rendered in connection with the Offering and Private Placement. The Offering closed on October 13, 2023. The shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Purchase Warrants and Placement Agent Warrant are referred to as the “Warrant Shares.” The gross proceeds received by us from the Offering were approximately $4.0 million before deducting the placement agent’s fees and the offering expenses. The Company expects to use the net proceeds from the Offering and the Private Placement to fund the ongoing clinical and regulatory development of Lomecel-B™ and for capital expenditures, working capital and general corporate purposes.

Description of Warrants

Pursuant to Nasdaq Stock Market Rule 5635(d), the Warrants are not exercisable until our stockholders approve the issuance of shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants (“Warrant Approval”). We have agreed with the Purchaser that if we do not obtain Warrant Approval at any special meeting of our stockholders, we will a call additional shareholder meeting every ninety (90) days thereafter until the earlier of the date we obtain such approval or the warrants are no longer outstanding. The Series A Warrants will expire on the five and a half-year anniversary of the date of issuance, the Series B Warrant will expire eighteen months following the date of issuance and the Placement Agent Warrant will expire on October 11, 2028. The Purchaser Warrants have an initial exercise price of $1.65 per share and the Placement Agent Warrant has an initial exercise price of $2.0625 per share.

No Fractional Shares

No fractional shares or scrip representing fractional shares will be issued upon the exercise of the Warrants. As to any fraction of a share which the holder would otherwise be entitled to purchase upon such exercise, the number of shares of Common Stock to be issued will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.


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Failure to Timely Deliver Shares

If we fail to deliver to the holder a certificate representing shares issuable upon exercise of a Warrant or to credit the holder’s balance account with Depository Trust Company for such number of shares of Common Stock to which the holder is entitled upon the holder’s exercise of the Warrant, in each case, by the delivery date set forth in the Warrant, and if after such date the holder is required by its broker to purchase (in an open market transaction or otherwise) or the holder’s brokerage firm otherwise purchases, shares of Common Stock to deliver in satisfaction of a sale by the holder of the Warrant Shares which the holder anticipated receiving upon such exercise, or a Buy-In, then we shall (A) pay in cash to the holder the amount, if any, by which (x) the holder’s total purchase price (including brokerage commissions, if any) for the shares of Common Stock so purchased exceeds (y) the amount obtained by multiplying (1) the number of Warrant Shares that we were required to deliver to the holder in connection with the exercise at issue, times (2) the price at which the sell order giving rise to such purchase obligation was executed, and (B) at the option of the holder, either reinstate the portion of the applicable warrant and equivalent number of Warrant Shares for which such exercise was not honored (in which case such exercise shall be deemed rescinded) or deliver to the holder the number of shares of Common Stock that would have been issued had we timely complied with our exercise and delivery obligations. In addition, if we fail to deliver to the holder any Common Stock pursuant to a validly-exercised Warrant, we will be required to pay liquidated damages in the amount of $10 per trading day for each $1,000 of the shares of Common Stock exercised but not delivered (and rising to $20 per trading day beginning the third trading day after the warrant share delivery date) until such time the shares of Common Stock are delivered or the holder rescinds such exercise.

Exercise Limitation

In general, a holder of the Warrants does not have the right to exercise any portion of a Warrant if the holder (together with its Attribution Parties (as defined in the Warrants)) would beneficially own in excess of 4.99% of the number of shares of our Common Stock outstanding immediately after giving effect to the exercise, as such percentage ownership is determined in accordance with the terms of the warrant. However, any holder may increase or decrease such percentage to any other percentage not in excess of 9.99% upon notice to us, provided that any increase in this limitation will not be effective until 61 days after such notice from the holder to us and such increase or decrease will apply only to the holder providing such notice.

Cashless Exercise

If, at the time a holder exercises its Warrants, a registration statement registering the issuance of the shares of Common Stock underlying the Warrants under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, is not then effective or available for the issuance of such shares, then in lieu of making the cash payment otherwise contemplated to be made to us upon such exercise in payment of the aggregate exercise price, the holder may elect instead to receive upon such exercise (either in whole or in part) the net number of shares of Common Stock determined according to a formula set forth in the warrant.

Adjustment for Stock Splits

The exercise price and the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable upon the exercise of the Warrants are subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of specific events, including sales of additional shares of Common Stock, stock dividends, stock splits, and combinations of our Common Stock.

Dividends or Distributions

If we declare or make any dividend or other distribution of its assets (or rights to acquire its assets) to holders of shares of our Common Stock, by way of return of capital or otherwise (including, without limitation, any distribution of cash, stock or other securities, property, options, evidence of indebtedness or any other assets by way of a dividend, spin off, reclassification, corporate rearrangement, scheme of arrangement or other similar transaction) at any time after the issuance of the common warrants, then, in each such case, the holders of the Warrants shall be entitled to participate in such distribution to the same extent that the holders would have participated therein if the holders had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete exercise of the Warrants.


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Purchase Rights

If we grant, issue or sell any shares of our Common Stock or securities exercisable for, exchangeable for or convertible into our Common Stock, or rights to purchase stock, common warrants, securities or other property pro rata to the record holders of any class of shares of our Common Stock, referred to as Purchase Rights, then each holder of the Warrants will be entitled to acquire, upon the terms applicable to such Purchase Rights, the aggregate Purchase Rights which the holder could have acquired if the holder had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete exercise of the Warrants immediately before the record date, or, if no such record is taken, the date as of which the record holders of shares of Common Stock are to be determined, for the grant, issue or sale of such Purchase Rights.

Fundamental Transaction

If a Fundamental Transaction (as defined below) occurs, then the successor entity will succeed to, and be substituted for us, and may exercise every right and power that we may exercise and will assume all of our obligations under the Warrants with the same effect as if such successor entity had been named incasting a vote against the common warrant itself. Additionally, upon consummation of a Fundamental Transaction pursuant to which holders of shares of our CommonReverse Stock are entitled to receive securitiesSplit Proposal or other assets with respect to or in exchange for shares of our Common Stock, we will make appropriate provision to ensureany Adjournment Proposal?

No. If you prefer that the holder will thereafter haveReverse Stock Split Proposal or any Adjournment Proposal not be approved, you should cast your vote against the right to receive upon an exerciseproposal. Approval of the Warrants at any time afterReverse Stock Split Proposal requires the consummation of the Fundamental Transaction but prior to the applicable expiration date of the common warrants, in lieu of shares of our Common Stock (or other securities, cash, assets or other property) purchasable upon the exercise of the Warrant prior to such Fundamental Transaction, at the option of each holder (without regard to any limitation in the common warrant on the exercise of the Warrants), the number of shares of Common Stock of the successor or acquiring corporation or of us, if we are the surviving corporation, and any additional consideration which the holder would have been entitled to receive upon the happening of such Fundamental Transaction had the Warrants been exercised immediately prior to such Fundamental Transaction.

If holders of our Common Stock are given a choice as to the securities, cash or property to be received in a Fundamental Transaction, then the holder shall be given the same choice as to the consideration it receives upon any exercise of the Warrants, following such Fundamental Transaction. These provisions apply similarly and equally to successive Fundamental Transactions and other corporate events described in the Warrants and will be applied without regard to any limitations on the exercise of the Warrants.

In the event of a Fundamental Transaction, at the request of the holder, we or the successor entity shall purchase the unexercised portion of the Warrants from the holder by paying to the holder, on or prior to the second trading day after such request (or, if later, on the effective date of the Fundamental Transaction), cash in an amount equal to the Black-Scholes Value (as defined below) of the remaining unexercised portion of the common warrants on the date of such Fundamental Transaction.

A “Fundamental Transaction” is defined in the Warrants to mean (i) we, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions effect any merger or consolidation with or into another person, (ii) we or any subsidiary, directly or indirectly, effects any sale, lease, license, assignment, transfer, conveyance or other disposition of all or substantially all of our assets in one or a series of related transactions, (iii) any, direct or indirect, purchase offer, tender offer or exchange offer (whether by us or another Person) is completed pursuant to which holders of Common Stock are permitted to sell, tender or exchange their shares for other securities, cash or property and has been accepted by the holders of 50% or more of the outstanding Common Stock or 50% or more of the voting power of the common equity, (iv) we, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions effect any reclassification, reorganization or recapitalization of our Common Stock or any compulsory share exchange pursuant to which our Common Stock is effectively converted into or exchanged for other securities, cash or property, or (v) we, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions consummate a stock or share purchase agreement or other business combination (including, without limitation, a reorganization, recapitalization, spin-off, merger or scheme of arrangement) with another Person or group of Persons whereby such other Person or group acquires more than 50% of the outstanding shares of our Common Stock or 50% or more of the voting power of the common equity.


Subject to applicable laws, the Warrants may be offered for sale, sold, transferred or assigned. There is currently no trading market for the Warrants and a trading market is not expected to develop.


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Rights as a Stockholder

Except as otherwise provided in the common warrants or by virtue of a holder’s ownership of shares of our Common Stock, the holders of the Warrants do not have the rights or privileges of holders of our Common Stock, including any voting rights, unless and until they exercise their Warrants.


The Warrants may be amended with the written consent of the holder of such Warrant and the Company.


There is no established public trading market for the Warrants, and we do not expect a market to develop. In addition, we do not intend to apply for listing of the Warrants on any national securities exchange.

Reasons for the Warrant Exercise Proposal

Our Common Stock is listed on The Nasdaq Capital Stock Market (“Nasdaq”) and trades under the ticker symbol “LGVN.” Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d) requires stockholder approval of transactions other than public offerings of greater than 20% of the outstanding Common Stock or voting power of the issuer prior to the Offering. The issuance of the Purchaser Warrants and Placement Agent Warrant under the Purchase Agreement and Engagement Agreement, respectively, implicated Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d), which requires shareholder approval prior to the issuance of securities in connection with a transaction other than a public offering involving: (1) the sale, issuance or potential issuance of ordinary shares (or securities convertible into or exercisable for ordinary shares) at a price less than the greater of book or market value which together with sales by officers, directors or substantial shareholders of the company equals 20% or more of ordinary shares or 20% or more of the voting power outstanding before the issuance; or (2) the sale, issuance or potential issuance of ordinary shares (or securities convertible into or exercisable for ordinary shares) equal to 20% or more of the ordinary shares or 20% or more of the voting power outstanding before the issuance for less than the greater of book or market value of the ordinary shares.

In order to comply with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d), the Purchaser Warrants and the Placement Agent Warrant are not exercisable until Shareholder Approval is obtained.

Potential Consequences if Proposal One is Not Approved

The Board is not seeking the approval of our stockholders to authorize our entry into or consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement and Engagement Agreement, as the Offering has already been completed and the Warrants have already been issued. We are only asking for approval to issue the shares underlying the Warrants upon exercise thereof.

The failure of our stockholders to approve this Proposal One will mean that: (i) we cannot permit the exercise of the Warrants and (ii) may incur substantial additional costs and expenses.

The Purchaser Warrants and Placement Agent Warrant have initial exercise prices of $1.65 and $2.0625 per share, respectively. Accordingly, we would realize an aggregate of up to approximately $8.35 million in gross proceeds if all the Warrants were exercised based on such value. If the Warrants cannot be exercised, we will not receive any such proceeds, which could adversely impact our ability to fund our operations.

In addition, in connection with the Offering and the issuance of Warrants, we agreed to seek stockholder approval every 90 days until our stockholders approve the issuance of the shares underlying the Warrants. We are required to seek such approval until such time as none of the Warrants are outstanding which could result in us seeking such approval every 90 days for five and a half years. The costs and expenses associated with seeking such approval could materially adversely impact our ability to fund our operations and advance the clinical trials, regulatory approvals for, and commercialization of our products and product candidates.


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Potential Adverse Effects of the Approval of Proposal One

If this Proposal One is approved, existing stockholders will suffer dilution in their ownership interests in the future upon the issuance of shares of Common Stock upon exercise of the Warrants. Assuming the full exercise of the Warrants, an aggregate of 5,018,183 additional shares of Common Stock will be outstanding, and the ownership interest of our existing stockholders would be correspondingly reduced. In addition, the sale into the public market of these shares also could materially and adversely affect the market price of our Common Stock.

No Appraisal Rights

No appraisal rights are available under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware or under our Certificate, or our Amended and Restated Bylaws, as amended, with respect to the Warrant Exercise Proposal.

Required Vote

The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote on the proposal, assuming a quorum is present. The approval of the Adjournment Proposal requires the affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast by all stockholdersthe holders of our Common Stock present in person or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal. Abstentions are considered to have the practical effect of a vote against the Reverse Stock Split Proposal and will not have any effect on the outcome of the Adjournment Proposal.

How Can I Find Out the Results of the Voting at the Special Meeting?

Preliminary voting results will be announced at the Special Meeting. Final voting results will be published in a Current Report on Form 8-K to be filed with the SEC within four business days after the Special Meeting.

Who pays the cost for soliciting proxies?

We are making this solicitation and will pay the entire cost of preparing and distributing our proxy materials and of soliciting votes. Our officers and employees may, without compensation other than their regular compensation, solicit proxies through further mailings, personal conversations, fax, e-mails, or otherwise. We have not engaged any other third party to assist with the solicitation of proxies.


Attending the Special Meeting

The Special Meeting will be held on February21, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time via live webcast. We adopted a virtual format for our Special Meeting to make participation more convenient, safe and accessible for our stockholders regardless of their location.

You are entitled to participate in the Special Meeting if you were a stockholder as of the close of business on our Record Date or hold a valid proxy for the meeting. To be admitted to the Special Meeting’s live webcast, you must enter your control number.




Background and Proposed Amendment

Our Charter currently authorizes the Company to issue a total of One Hundred Five Million (105,000,000) shares, consisting of (a) Eighty Four Million Two Hundred Ninety Five Thousand (84,295,000) shares of Class A Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“Class A Common Stock”), (b) Fifteen Million Seven Hundred Five Thousand (15,705,000) shares of Class B Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“Class B Common Stock” and together with the Class A Common Stock the “Common Stock”), and (c) Five Million (5,000,000) shares of Preferred Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“Preferred Stock”).

On January 23, 2024, subject to stockholder approval, the Board approved an amendment to our Charter to, at the discretion of the Board, effect the Reverse Stock Split of the Common Stock at a ratio of 1:5 to 1:15, with the exact ratio within such range to be determined by the Board of the Company at its discretion. The primary goal of the Reverse Stock Split is to increase the per share market price of our Class A Common Stock to meet the minimum per share bid price requirements for continued listing on Nasdaq. We believe that a range of Reverse Stock Split ratios provides us with the most flexibility to achieve the desired results of the Reverse Stock Split. The Reverse Stock Split is not intended as, and will not have the effect of, a “going private transaction” covered by Rule 13e-3 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). The Reverse Stock Split is not intended to modify the rights of existing stockholders in any material respect.

If the Reverse Stock Split Proposal is approved by our stockholders and the Reverse Stock Split is effected, up to every 15 shares of our outstanding Class A Common Stock would be combined and reclassified into one share of Class A Common Stock and up to every 15 shares of our outstanding Class B Common Stock would be combined and reclassified into one share of Class B Common Stock, with the treatment of the Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock being identical. The actual timing for implementation of the Reverse Stock Split would be determined by the Board based upon its evaluation as to when such action would be most advantageous to the Company and our stockholders. Notwithstanding approval of the Reverse Stock Split Proposal by our stockholders, the Board will have the sole authority to elect whether or not and when to amend our Charter to effect the Reverse Stock Split. If the Reverse Stock Split Proposal is approved by our stockholders, the Board will make a determination as to whether effecting the Reverse Stock Split is in the best interests of the Company and our stockholders in light of, among other things, the Company’s ability to increase the trading price of our Class A Common Stock to meet the minimum stock price standards of Nasdaq without effecting the Reverse Stock Split, the per share price of the Class A Common Stock immediately prior to the Reverse Stock Split and the expected stability of the per share price of the Class A Common Stock following the Reverse Stock Split. If the Board determines that it is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders to effect the Reverse Stock Split, it will convene to determine the ratio of the Reverse Stock Split. For additional information concerning the factors the Board will consider in deciding whether to effect the Reverse Stock Split, see “— Determination of the Reverse Stock Split Ratio” and “— Board Discretion to Effect the Reverse Stock Split.”

The text of the proposed amendment to the Company’s Charter to effect the Reverse Stock Split is included as Annex A to this proxy statement. If the Reverse Stock Split Proposal is approved by the Company’s stockholders, the Company will have the authority to file the Reverse Stock Split Amendment with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, which will become effective upon its filing; provided, however, that the Reverse Stock Split Amendment is subject to revision to include such changes as may be required by the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware and as the Board deems necessary and advisable. The Board has determined that the amendment is advisable and in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders and has submitted the amendment for consideration by our stockholders at the Special Meeting.


Reasons for the Reverse Stock Split Amendment

We are submitting this proposal to our stockholders for approval in order to increase the trading price of our Class A Common Stock to meet the minimum per share bid price requirement for continued listing on Nasdaq. We believe increasing the trading price of our Class A Common Stock may also assist in our capital-raising efforts by making our Class A Common Stock more attractive to a broader range of investors. Accordingly, we believe that the Reverse Stock Split is in our stockholders’ best interests.

We believe that the Reverse Stock Split, if necessary, is our best option to meet the criteria to satisfy the minimum per share bid price requirement for continued listing on Nasdaq. Nasdaq requires, among other criteria, that the Company maintain of a continued price of at least $1.00 per share. On the Record Date, the last reported sale price of our Class A Common Stock on Nasdaq was $0.80 per share.

On the date of the mailing of this proposal. Abstentions, whichproxy statement, our Class A Common Stock was listed on Nasdaq under the symbol “LGVN.” Our Class B Common Stock is not listed. The continued listing requirements of Nasdaq, among other things, require that our Class A Common Stock must maintain a closing bid price in excess of $1.00 per share. We have in the past, and may in the future, be unable to comply with certain of the listing standards that we are not consideredrequired to be votes cast, will have no effect with respectmeet to this proposal. Asmaintain the listing of our Class A Common Stock on Nasdaq.

In addition, as noted above, we believe that the Reverse Stock Split and the resulting increase in the per share price of our Class A Common Stock could encourage increased investor interest in our Class A Common Stock and promote greater liquidity for our stockholders. A greater price per share of our Class A Common Stock could allow a broader range of institutions to invest in our Class A Common Stock (namely, funds that are prohibited or discouraged from buying stocks with a price below a certain threshold), potentially increasing marketability, trading volume and liquidity of our Class A Common Stock. Many institutional investors view stocks trading at low prices as unduly speculative in nature and, as a result, avoid investing in such stocks. We believe that the Reverse Stock Split will provide flexibility to make our Class A Common Stock a more attractive investment for these institutional investors, which we believe will enhance the liquidity for the holders of our Class A Common Stock and may facilitate future sales of our Class A Common Stock. The Reverse Stock Split could also increase interest in our Class A Common Stock for analysts and brokers who may otherwise have policies that discourage or prohibit them in following or recommending companies with low stock prices. Additionally, because brokers’ commissions on transactions in low-priced stocks generally represent a higher percentage of the stock price than commissions on higher-priced stocks, the current average price per share of our Class A Common Stock can result in individual stockholders paying transaction costs representing a higher percentage of their total share value than would be the case if the share price were substantially higher.

Risks Associated with the Reverse Stock Split

The Reverse Stock Split May Not Increase the Price of our Class A Common Stock over the Long-Term.    As noted above, the principal purpose of the Reverse Stock Split is to increase the trading price of our Class A Common Stock to meet the minimum stock price standards of Nasdaq. However, the effect of the Reverse Stock Split on the market price of our Class A Common Stock cannot be predicted with any certainty, and we cannot assure you that the Reverse Stock Split will accomplish this objective for any meaningful period of time, or at all. While we expect that the reduction in the number of outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock will proportionally increase the market price of our Class A Common Stock, we cannot assure you that the Reverse Stock Split will increase the market price of our Class A Common Stock by a multiple of the Reverse Stock Split ratio, or result in any permanent or sustained increase in the market price of our Class A Common Stock. The market price of our Class A Common Stock may be affected by other factors which may be unrelated to the number of shares outstanding, including the Company’s business and financial performance, general market conditions, and prospects for future success.

The Reverse Stock Split May Decrease the Liquidity of our Class A Common Stock.    The Board believes that the Reverse Stock Split may result in an increase in the market price of our Class A Common Stock, which could lead to increased interest in our Class A Common Stock and possibly promote greater liquidity for our stockholders. However, the Reverse Stock Split will also reduce the total number of outstanding shares of Common Stock, which may lead to reduced trading and a smaller number of market makers for our Class A Common Stock, particularly if the price per share of our Class A Common Stock does not increase as a result of the Reverse Stock Split.


The Reverse Stock Split May Result in Some Stockholders Owning “Odd Lots” That May Be More Difficult to Sell or Require Greater Transaction Costs per Share to Sell.    If the Reverse Stock Split is implemented, it will increase the number of stockholders who own “odd lots” of less than 100 shares of Class A Common Stock. A purchase or sale of less than 100 shares of Common Stock (an “odd lot” transaction) may result in incrementally higher trading costs through certain brokers, particularly “full service” brokers. Therefore, those stockholders who own fewer than 100 shares of Class A Common Stock following the Reverse Stock Split may be required to pay higher transaction costs if they sell their Class A Common Stock.

The Reverse Stock Split May Lead to a Decrease in our Overall Market Capitalization.    The Reverse Stock Split may be viewed negatively by the market and, consequently, could lead to a decrease in our overall market capitalization. If the per share market price of our Class A Common Stock does not increase in proportion to the Reverse Stock Split ratio, or following such increase does not maintain or exceed such price, then the value of our Company, as measured by our market capitalization, will be reduced. Additionally, any reduction in our market capitalization may be magnified as a result of the smaller number of total shares of Common Stock outstanding following the Reverse Stock Split.

Potential Consequences if the Reverse Stock Split Proposal is Not Approved

If the Reverse Stock Split Proposal is not approved by our stockholders, our Board will not have the authority to effect the Reverse Stock Split Amendment to, among other things, facilitate the continued listing of our Class A Common Stock on Nasdaq by increasing the per share trading price of our Class A Common Stock to help ensure a share price high enough to satisfy the $1.00 per share minimum bid price requirement. Any inability of our Board to effect the Reverse Stock Split could expose us to delisting from Nasdaq.

Treatment of Fractional Shares in the Reverse Stock Split

The Company will not issue fractional certificates for post-reverse stock split shares in connection with the Reverse Stock Split. In lieu of issuing fractional shares, stockholders of record who otherwise would be entitled to receive fractional shares will be entitled to rounding up of the fractional share to the nearest whole number.

Determination of the Reverse Stock Split Ratio

The Board believes that stockholder approval of a range of potential Reverse Stock Split ratios is in the best interests of our Company and stockholders because it is not possible to predict market conditions at the time the Reverse Stock Split would be implemented. We believe that a range of Reverse Stock Split ratios provides us with the most flexibility to achieve the desired results of the Reverse Stock Split. The Reverse Stock Split ratio to be selected by our Board will not be less than 1:5 nor more than 1:15.

The selection of the specific Reverse Stock Split ratio will be based on several factors, including, among other things:

•        our ability to maintain the listing of our Class A Common Stock on Nasdaq;

•        the per share price of our Class A Common Stock immediately prior to the Reverse Stock Split;

•        the expected stability of the per share price of our Class A Common Stock following the Reverse Stock Split;

•        the likelihood that the Reverse Stock Split will result in increased marketability and liquidity of our Class A Common Stock;

•        prevailing market conditions;

•        general economic conditions in our industry; and

•        our market capitalization before, and anticipated market capitalization after, the Reverse Stock Split.


We believe that granting our Board the authority to set the ratio for the Reverse Stock Split is essential because it allows us to take these factors into consideration and to react to changing market conditions. If the Board chooses to implement the Reverse Stock Split, the Company will make a public announcement regarding the determination of the Reverse Stock Split ratio.

Board Discretion to Effect the Reverse Stock Split

If the Reverse Stock Split Proposal is approved by our stockholders, the Board will have the discretion to implement the Reverse Stock Split or to not effect the Reverse Stock Split at all. The Board currently intends to effect the Reverse Stock Split. If the trading price of our Class A Common Stock increases without effecting the Reverse Stock Split, the Reverse Stock Split may not be necessary. Following the Reverse Stock Split, if implemented, there can be no assurance that the market price of our Class A Common Stock will rise in proportion to the reduction in the number of outstanding shares resulting from the Reverse Stock Split or that the market price of the post-split Class A Common Stock can be maintained above $1.00. There also can be no assurance that our Class A Common Stock will not be delisted from Nasdaq for other reasons.

If our stockholders approve the Reverse Stock Split Proposal at the Special Meeting, the Reverse Stock Split will be effected, if at all, only upon a determination by the Board that the Reverse Stock Split is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders at that time. No further action on the part of the stockholders will be required to either effect or abandon the Reverse Stock Split. If our Board does not implement the Reverse Stock Split prior to December 31, 2024, the authority granted in this proposal to implement the Reverse Stock Split will terminate automatically, and the Reverse Stock Split Amendment will be considered “nonabandoned.

The market price of our Class A Common Stock is dependent upon our performance and other factors, some of which are unrelated to the number of shares outstanding. If the Reverse Stock Split is effected and the market price of our Class A Common Stock declines, the percentage decline as an absolute number and as a percentage of our overall market capitalization may be greater than would occur in the absence of the Reverse Stock Split. Furthermore, the reduced number of shares that will be outstanding after the Reverse Stock Split could significantly reduce the trading volume and otherwise adversely affect the liquidity of our Class A Common Stock.

We have not proposed the Reverse Stock Split in response to any effort of which we are aware to accumulate our shares of Common Stock or obtain control of the Company, nor is it a plan by management to recommend a series of similar actions to our Board or our stockholders. Notwithstanding the decrease in the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock following the Reverse Stock Split, our Board does not intend for this transaction to be the first step in a “going private transaction” within the meaning of Rule 13e-routine-3 of the Exchange Act.

Effectiveness of the Reverse Stock Split

The Reverse Stock Split, if approved by our stockholders, will become effective upon the filing with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware of a certificate of amendment to our Charter in substantially the form of the Reverse Stock Split Amendment attached to this proxy statement as Annex A. The exact timing of the filing of the Reverse Stock Split Amendment will be determined by the Board based upon its evaluation of when such action will be most advantageous to the Company and our stockholders. The Board reserves the right, notwithstanding stockholder approval and without further action by our stockholders, to elect not to proceed with the Reverse Stock Split if, at any time prior to filing such Reverse Stock Split Amendment, the Board, in its sole discretion, determines that it is no longer in the best interests of the Company and our stockholders. The Board currently intends to effect the Reverse Stock Split. If our Board does not implement the Reverse Stock Split prior to December 31, 2024, the authority granted in this proposal to implement the Reverse Stock Split will terminate and the Reverse Stock Split Amendment to effect the Reverse Stock Split will be abandoned.

Effects of the Reverse Stock Split on Issued and Outstanding Common Stock

If the Reverse Stock Split is effected, it will reduce the total number of issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock, including any shares held by the Company as treasury shares, by a Reverse Stock Split ratio of 1:5 to 1:15. Accordingly, each of our stockholders will own fewer shares of Common Stock as a result of the Reverse Stock Split. However, the Reverse Stock Split will affect all stockholders, i.e. both holders of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, uniformly and will not affect any stockholder’s percentage ownership interest in the Company, except to the extent that the Reverse Stock Split would result in an adjustment to a stockholder’s


ownership of Common Stock due to the effect of rounding up fractional shares in the Reverse Stock Split, as described in more detail herein. Therefore, voting rights and other rights and preferences of the holders of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock will not be affected by the Reverse Stock Split (except for the effect of rounding up fractional shares). Common Stock issued pursuant to the Reverse Stock Split will remain fully paid and nonassessable, and the par value per share of both Class A common stock and Class B Common Stock will remain $0.001.

As of the Record Date, approximately 10,290,472 shares of our Class A Common Stock and 14,839,993 shares of our Class B Common Stock were outstanding, and no shares of our Preferred Stock were outstanding. For purposes of illustration, if the Reverse Stock Split is effected at a ratio of 1:15, the number of issued and outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock after the Reverse Stock Split would be approximately 686,000 shares and the number of issued and outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock after the Reverse Stock Split would be approximately 989,000 shares.

Effects of the Reverse Stock Split on Outstanding Equity Awards and Warrants to Purchase Common Stock

If the Reverse Stock Split is effected, the terms of all outstanding warrants currently exercisable for shares of Class A Common Stock, and all equity awards granted under the 2017 Longeveron LLC Incentive Plan (the “2017 Plan) and thereforeLongeveron Inc. 2021 Incentive Award Plan (the “2021 Plan”, and together with the 2017 Plan, the “Equity Plans”), including the per share exercise price of options and the number of shares issuable under such options, will be proportionally adjusted to maintain their economic value, subject to adjustments for any fractional shares as described herein. In addition, the total number of shares of Common Stock that may be the subject of future grants under the Equity Plans, as well as any plan limits on the size of such grants will be adjusted and proportionately decreased as a result of the Reverse Stock Split.

Effects of the Reverse Stock Split on Voting Rights

Proportionate voting rights and other rights of the holders of Common Stock would not be affected by the Reverse Stock Split (except for the effect of rounding up fractional shares). For example, a holder of 1% of the voting power of the outstanding Common Stock immediately prior to the effective time of the Reverse Stock Split would continue to hold 1% of the voting power of the outstanding Common Stock after the Reverse Stock Split (except for the effect of rounding up fractional shares).

Effects of the Reverse Stock Split on Regulatory Matters

We are subject to the periodic reporting and other requirements of the Exchange Act. The Reverse Stock Split will not affect our obligation to publicly file financial and other information with the SEC.

Effects of the Reverse Stock Split on Authorized Share Capital

The total number of shares of capital stock that we are authorized to issue will not be affected by the Reverse Stock Split and will remain at 105,000,000 shares, consisting of 84,295,000 shares of Class A Common Stock, 15,705,000 shares of Class B Common Stock and 5,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock.

Effects of the Reverse Stock Split on the Number of Shares of Common Stock Available for Future Issuance

By reducing the number of shares outstanding without reducing the number of shares of available but unissued Common Stock, the Reverse Stock Split will increase the number of authorized but unissued shares. The Board believes the increase is appropriate for use to fund the future operations of the Company. Although the Company does not have any pending acquisitions for which shares are expected to be used, the Company may also use authorized shares in connection with the financing of future acquisitions.

Although the Reverse Stock Split would not have any dilutive effect on our stockholders, the Reverse Stock Split without a reduction in the number of shares authorized for issuance would reduce the proportion of shares owned by our stockholders relative to the number of shares authorized for issuance, giving the Board an effective increase in the authorized shares available for issuance, in its discretion. The Board from time to time may deem it to be in the best interests of the Company to enter into transactions and other ventures that may include the issuance of shares of


our Common Stock. If the Board authorizes the issuance of additional shares subsequent to the Reverse Stock Split, the dilution to the ownership interest of our existing stockholders may be greater than would occur had the Reverse Stock Split not been effected.

Mechanics of the Reverse Stock Split

If the Reverse Stock Split is approved and effected, beginning on the effective date of the Reverse Stock Split, each certificate representing pre-split shares will, until surrendered and exchanged as described below, for all corporate purposes, be deemed to represent, respectively, only the number of post-split shares.

Exchange of Stock Certificates

Shortly after the Reverse Stock Split becomes effective, stockholders will be notified and offered the opportunity at their own expense to surrender their current certificates to our stock transfer agent, Colonial, in exchange for the issuance of new certificates reflecting the Reverse Stock Split in accordance with the procedures to be set forth in a letter of transmittal to be sent by our stock transfer agent. In connection with the Reverse Stock Split, the CUSIP number for the Common Stock will change from its current CUSIP number. This new CUSIP number will appear on any new stock certificates issued representing post-split shares. STOCKHOLDERS SHOULD NOT DESTROY ANY STOCK CERTIFICATE(S) AND SHOULD NOT SUBMIT ANY STOCK CERTIFICATE(S) UNLESS AND UNTIL REQUESTED TO DO SO FOLLOWING THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE COMPLETION OF THE REVERSE STOCK SPLIT.

Effect on Registered “Book-Entry” Holders of Common Stock

Holders of Common Stock may hold some or all of their Common Stock electronically in book-entry form or “street name” under the direct registration system for securities. These stockholders will not have stock certificates evidencing their ownership. They are, however, provided with a statement reflecting the number of shares of Common Stock registered in their accounts. If you hold registered Common Stock in book-entry form, you do not need to take any action to receive your post-split shares, if applicable.

Appraisal Rights

Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, our stockholders are not entitled to appraisal or dissenter’s rights with respect to the Reverse Stock Split, and we will not independently provide our stockholders with any such rights.

Regulatory Approvals

The Reverse Stock Split will not be consummated, if at all, until after approval of our stockholders is obtained. We are not obligated to obtain any governmental approvals or comply with any state or federal regulations in order to effect the Reverse Stock Split other than the filing of the Reverse Stock Split Amendment with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.

Accounting Treatment of the Reverse Stock Split

If the Reverse Stock Split is effected, the par value per share of both our Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock will remain unchanged at $0.001. Accordingly, on the effective date of the Reverse Stock Split, the stated capital on our consolidated balance sheets attributable to our Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock will be reduced in proportion to the size of the Reverse Stock Split ratio, and the additional paid-in-capital account will be increased by the amount by which the stated capital is reduced. Our stockholders’ equity, in the aggregate, will remain unchanged. Per share net income or loss will be increased because there will be fewer shares of Common Stock outstanding. Any Common Stock held in treasury will be reduced in proportion to the Reverse Stock Split ratio. The Company does not anticipate that any other accounting consequences, including changes to the amount of stock-based compensation expense to be recognized in any period, will arise as a result of the Reverse Stock Split.


Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reverse Stock Split

The following discussion is a summary of certain material U.S. federal income tax considerations of the Reverse Stock Split applicable to U.S. holders (as defined below). This discussion does not purport to be a complete analysis of all potential tax consequences that may be relevant to a U.S. holder. The effects of U.S. federal tax laws other than U.S. federal income tax laws, such as estate and gift tax laws, and any applicable state, local or non-U.S. tax laws are not discussed. This discussion is based on the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, judicial decisions, and published rulings and administrative pronouncements of the IRS, in each case in effect as of the date hereof. These authorities may change or be subject to differing interpretations. Any such change or differing interpretation may be applied retroactively in a manner that could adversely affect a U.S. holder. We have not sought and do not intend to seek any rulings from the IRS regarding the matters discussed below. There can be no assurance the IRS or a court will not take a position contrary to that discussed below regarding the tax consequences of the Reverse Stock Split.

This discussion is limited to U.S. holders that hold Common Stock as a “capital asset” within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code (generally, property held for investment). This discussion does not address all U.S. federal income tax consequences relevant to a U.S. holder’s particular circumstances, including the impact of the alternative minimum tax, the rules related to “qualified small business stock” within the meaning of Section 1202 of the Code or the Medicare contribution tax on net investment income. In addition, it does not address consequences relevant to U.S. holders subject to special rules, including, without limitation:

•        U.S. expatriates and former citizens or long-term residents of the United States;

•        U.S. holders whose functional currency is not the U.S. dollar;

•        Persons holding Common Stock as part of a hedge, straddle or other risk reduction strategy or as part of a conversion transaction or other integrated investment;

•        banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions;

•        real estate investment trusts or regulated investment companies;

•        brokers, dealers or traders in securities;

•        corporations that accumulate earnings to avoid U.S. federal income tax;

•        S corporations, partnerships or other entities or arrangements treated as partnerships for U.S. federal income tax purposes (and investors therein);

•        tax-exempt organizations or governmental organizations;

•        persons deemed to sell Common Stock under the constructive sale provisions of the Code;

•        persons who hold or received Common Stock pursuant to the exercise of any employee stock option or otherwise as compensation; and tax-qualified retirement plans.

If an entity treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes holds Common Stock, the tax treatment of a partner in the partnership will generally depend on the status of the partner, the activities of the partnership and certain determinations made at the partner level. Accordingly, partnerships holding Common Stock and the partners in such partnerships should consult their tax advisors regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences to them.



The Reverse Stock Split should constitute a “recapitalization” for U.S. federal income tax purposes. As a result, a U.S. holder of Common Stock generally should not recognize gain or loss upon the Reverse Stock Split. A U.S. holder’s aggregate tax basis in the shares of Common Stock received pursuant to the Reverse Stock Split should equal the aggregate tax basis of the shares of the Common Stock surrendered, and such U.S. holder’s holding period in the shares Common Stock received should include the holding period in the shares of Common Stock surrendered. Treasury Regulations provide detailed rules for allocating the tax basis and holding period of the shares of Common Stock surrendered to the shares of Common Stock received in a recapitalization pursuant to the Reverse Stock Split. U.S. holders of shares of Common Stock acquired on different dates and at different prices should consult their tax advisors regarding the allocation of the tax basis and holding period of such shares.

As noted above, we will not issue fractional shares in connection with the Reverse Stock Split. Instead, stockholders who otherwise would be entitled to receive fractional shares will be automatically entitled to receive an additional fraction of a share of common stock to round up to the next whole post-split share. The U.S. federal income tax treatment of the receipt of such a fractional share in a Reverse Stock Split is not clear. It is possible that the receipt of such an additional fraction of a share of Common Stock may be treated as a distribution taxable as a dividend or as an amount received in exchange for Common Stock. We intend to treat the issuance of such an additional fraction of a share of Common Stock in the Reverse Stock Split as a non-recognition event, but there can be no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service or a court would not successfully assert otherwise.

Vote Required

Pursuant to the Delaware General Corporation Law and our organizational documents, approval of the Reverse Stock Split Proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes outstanding and entitled to vote on the proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes will have nothe same effect on the outcome ofas a vote against this proposal.

Our Recommendation of the Board of Directors

The Board unanimously recommends that you vote “FORTHE BOARD RECOMMENDS A VOTE “FOR” THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND OUR CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION TO EFFECT THE REVERSE STOCK SPLIT.” Proposal One to approve the Warrant Exercise Proposal.




Background of and Rationale for the Adjournment Proposal

The Board believes that, if the number of affirmative votes received from the holders of outstanding shares of the Company’sour Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote aton the Special Meeting isReverse Stock Split are insufficient to approve the Reverse Stock Split Proposal, One (the Warrant Exercise Proposal), it is in the best interests of the stockholders to enable the Board to continue to seek to obtain a sufficient number of additional affirmative votes to approve the Warrant Exercise Proposal (the “Adjournment Proposal”).Reverse Stock Split Proposal.

In the Adjournment Proposal, we are asking stockholders to authorize the holder of any proxy solicited by the Board to vote in favor of adjourning or postponing the Special Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. If our stockholders approve this proposal, we could adjourn or postpone the Special Meeting, and any adjourned session of the Special Meeting, to use the additional time to solicit additional proxies in favor of the Warrant ExerciseReverse Stock Split Proposal.

Additionally, approval of the Adjournment Proposal could mean that, in the event we receive proxies indicating that a majority of the numbervoting power of the outstanding shares of our Common Stock willentitled to vote on the Reverse Stock Split Proposal have voted against the Warrant ExerciseReverse Stock Split Proposal, we could adjourn or postpone the Special Meeting without a vote on the proposalReverse Stock Split Proposal and use the additional time to solicit the holders of those shares to change their vote in favor of the Warrant ExerciseReverse Stock Split Proposal.

If it is necessary or appropriate (as determined in good faith by the Board) to adjourn the Special Meeting, no notice of the adjourned meeting is required to be given to our stockholders, other than an announcement at the Special Meeting of the time and place to which the Special Meeting is adjourned, so long as the meeting is adjourned for 30 days or less and no new record date is fixed for the adjourned meeting. At the adjourned meeting, we may transact any business which might have been transacted at the original meeting.

Vote Required Vote

The approval of the Adjournment Proposal requires the affirmative vote of athe majority of the votes cast by the holders of our Common Stock present in person (via live webcast) or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal. Abstentions and broker non-voteswill be required to approvenot have any effect on the Adjournment Proposal.outcome of this proposal.

Recommendation of the Board of DirectorsRecommendation



Table of Contents15


Management andAs of the time of preparation of this proxy statement, neither the Board nor management intends to bring before the meeting any business other than the matters referred to in the Notice of Special Meeting and this proxy statement. If any other business should properly come before the Company know of nomeeting, or any adjournment thereof, the persons named in the proxy will vote on such matters according to be brought beforetheir best judgment. In addition, our bylaws permit the presiding officer at the Special Meeting other than as set forth herein.to adjourn the meeting in his or her sole discretion.


OnlySome banks, brokers, financial intermediaries and other nominee record holders may be participating in the practice of “householding” proxy statements and annual reports. This means that only one Noticecopy of Internet Availabilityour documents, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K and Proxy Statement, may have been sent to multiple stockholders in your household. We will promptly deliver a separate copy of Proxy Materials is being deliveredeither document to stockholders sharing an address unless we have received contrary instructions from one or more of the stockholders. Upon theyou upon written or oral request of a stockholder, we will deliver promptly a separate copy of the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to a stockholder at a shared address to which a single copy was delivered. Stockholders desiring to receive a separate copy now or in the future may contact us at our corporate offices located atLongeveron Inc., 1951 NW 7th Avenue, Suite 520, Miami, FL 33136, or byAttention: Corporate Secretary, telephone: (305) 909-0840.

Stockholders who share an address but If you want to receive separate copies of the proxy statement or Annual Report on Form 10-K in the future, or if you are receiving multiple copies of the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materialsand would like to receive only one copy per household, you should contact your bank, broker or other nominee record holder, or you may contact us through our corporate offices to request that a single copy be delivered.at the above address and telephone number.


Proposals from stockholders intended to be presented at the Company’s 2024 annual meeting of stockholders should be addressed to Longeveron Inc., Attention: Corporate Secretary, 1951 NW 7th Avenue, Suite 520, Miami, FL 33136. We must receive the proposals by no earlier than 120 days and no later than 90 days prior to the first anniversary of the date on which the proxy statement was first made available to our stockholders in connection with the 2023 Annual Meeting, or no earlier than February 2, 2024 and no later than March 3, 2024. If we change the date of the next Annual Meeting by more than 30 days from the anniversary of the 2023 Annual Meeting of stockholders, stockholder proposals must be received a reasonable time before we begin to print and mail the proxy materials for the next Annual Meeting and not later than 10 days following the announcement or public disclosure of such meeting date in order to be considered for inclusion in the proxy materials. Any stockholder who intends to solicit proxies in support of a director nominee other than the Company’s nominees must also comply with Rule 14a-19 under the Exchange Act. We reserve the right to reject, rule out of order, or take other appropriate action with respect to any proposal that does not comply with these and other applicable requirements. Our Bylaws, which have been filed with the SEC, describe the requirements for submitting proposals at the 2024 annual meeting. The notice must be given in the manner and must include the information and representations required by our Bylaws. The chairperson of the meeting shall, in his or her discretion and if the facts warrant such determination, determine and declare to the meeting that business was not properly brought before the meeting and in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws or under the Exchange Act, and if he or she should so determine, he or she shall so declare to the meeting and any such business not properly brought before the meeting shall not be transacted.

Upon receipt of any such proposal, we shall determine whether or not to include any such proposal in the proxy statement and proxy for next year’sthe 2024 Annual Meeting in accordance with applicable law. It is suggested that stockholders forward such proposals by Certified Mail — Return Receipt Requested. Any nominations for director positions will be accepted in accordance with the procedures described in the Company’s proxy statement for its 2023 Annual Meeting of stockholders under the heading “Deadlines for Receipt of Stockholder Proposals”.



The number of shares of the Company’s Common Stock outstanding at the close of business on the Record Date was 10,290,472 shares of Common Stock and 14,839,993 shares of Class B Common Stock. The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of the Company’s Common Stock, as of the Record Date, by each Company director and executive officer, and by all directors and executive officers as a group. Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act. In computing the number of shares beneficially owned by a person or a group and the percentage ownership of that person or group, shares of our Common Stock subject to vesting, options and warrants currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days after the Record Date are deemed outstanding, but are not deemed outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person. To the knowledge of the directors and executive officers of the Company, as of the Record Date, other than the individuals listed below, there are no persons and/or companies who or which beneficially own, directly or indirectly, shares representing more than 5% of the voting rights attached to all outstanding shares of the Company, other than as set forth below. Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each beneficial owner listed below is c/o Longeveron Inc., 1951 NW 7th Ave, Suite 520, Miami, FL 33136, and none of the shares listed are pledged.

Name of Affiliate


Class A




Class B




% of


% of
Total Common Stock Beneficially Owned

Greater than 5% Holder:









Donald M. Soffer

















Lee Cohen Hare






















Executive Officers and Directors









Joshua M. Hare, M.D.(2)

















Rock Soffer

















Neil E. Hare(3)















Cathy Ross(4)















Ursula Ungaro(4)















Douglas Losordo(4)















Khoso Baluch















Jeffrey Pfeffer















Wa’el Hashad(5)















Lisa Locklear















Paul Lehr(6)















Nataliya Agafonova















All Executive Officers and Directors as a Group (12 individuals)(7):


















*        Less than 1%.

(1)      Percentage of total voting power represents voting power with respect to all shares of our common stock and Class B Common Stock, as a single class. The holders of our Class B Common Stock are entitled to five (5) votes per share, and holders of our common stock are entitled to one (1) vote per share. See the section titled “Description of Capital Stock — common stock — Voting Rights” for additional information about the voting rights of our common stock and Class B Common Stock.

(2)      Amount includes 38,750 stock options that are or may become exercisable within 60 days following the Record Date. Amount also includes 53,314 shares held by an affiliated entity. Dr. Hare disclaims beneficial ownership except to the extent of his pecuniary interest. Pursuant to a Voting Agreement and Proxy entered into between Dr. Hare and Lee Cohen Hare, Dr. Hare’s former spouse holds 2,984,828 shares of Class B Common Stock, which are included in the number of shares owned by Dr. Hare for purposes of this table, as he retains voting but not dispositive power with respect to such shares, for so long as such shares remain owned by his former spouse.

(3)      Amount includes 894 shares of Class A Common Stock owned by Global Vision Communications, LLC, where Mr. Hare is the managing member. Mr. Hare disclaims beneficial ownership except to the extent of his pecuniary interest.


(4)      Amount includes 1,250 stock options that are or may become exercisable within 60 days following the Record Date.

(5)      Amount includes 50,000 stock options that may vest within 60 days following Record Date.

(6)      Amount includes 53,922 stock options that are or may become exercisable within 60 days following Record Date.

(7)      Amount includes an aggregate of 150,172 stock options that are or may become exercisable within 60 days following Record Date.



We hereby incorporate by referencefile annual and quarterly reports and other reports and information with the following items into this Proxy Statement: Items 7, 7A, 8SEC. The SEC maintains an Internet web site that contains reports, proxy and 9information statements, and other information regarding issuers, including us, that file electronically with the SEC. The public can obtain any documents that we file electronically with the SEC at http://www.sec.gov. We will provide without charge to you, upon written or oral request, a copy of Part II of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, which wasreports and other information filed with the SecuritiesSEC. Any requests for copies of information, reports or other filings with the SEC should be directed to Longeveron Inc., 1951 NW 7th Ave, Suite 520, Miami, FL 33136, Attention: Corporate Secretary. In order to receive timely delivery of the documents in advance of the Special Meeting, you must make your request for information no later than February16, 2024.



Form of Reverse Stock Split Amendment


Longeveron Inc. (the “Corporation”), a corporation organized and Exchange Commissionexisting under and by virtue of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the “DGCL”), does hereby certify:

1.      Pursuant to Section 242 of the DGCL, this Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation (this “Certificate of Amendment”) amends the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation (the “Charter”).

2.      This Certificate of Amendment has been approved and duly adopted by the Corporation’s Board of Directors and stockholders in accordance with the provisions of Section 242 of the DGCL.

3.      Upon this Certificate of Amendment becoming effective, the Charter is hereby amended as follows:

ARTICLE FOURTH of the Charter is hereby amended by adding the following new paragraph C at the end of such article:


Effective at 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on March 14, 2023.the day this Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation is filed and declared effective pursuant to the DGCL (the “2024 Split Effective Time”), every             (      ) shares1 of Class A Common Stock issued and outstanding or held by the Corporation as treasury shares as of the 2024 Split Effective Time shall automatically, and without action on the part of the stockholders, be combined, reclassified and changed into one (1) validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable share of Class A Common Stock and every             (      ) shares2 of Class B Common Stock issued and outstanding or held by the Corporation as treasury shares as of the 2024 Split Effective Time shall automatically, and without action on the part of the stockholders, be combined, reclassified and changed into one (1) validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable share of Class B Common Stock, in all instances without effecting a change to the par value per share of common stock, and subject to the treatment of fractional interests as described below (the “2024 Reverse Split”). Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, no fractional shares will be issued in connection with the combination effected by the preceding sentence. The Board of Directors shall make provision for the issuance of that number of fractions of shares of Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock such that any fractional share of a holder otherwise resulting from the 2024 Reverse Split shall be rounded up to the next whole number of shares of Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock, as applicable. As of the 2024 Split Effective Time and thereafter, a certificate(s) representing shares of Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock prior to the 2024 Reverse Split is deemed to represent the number of post-2024 Reverse Split shares into which the pre-2024 Reverse Split shares were reclassified and combined. The 2024 Reverse Split shall also apply to any outstanding securities or rights convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for, Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock, as applicable, of the Corporation and all references to such Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock in agreements, arrangements, documents and plans relating thereto or any option or right to purchase or acquire shares of Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock shall be deemed to be references to the Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock or options or rights to purchase or acquire shares of Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock, as the case may be, after giving effect to the 2024 Reverse Split.”

4.      This Certificate of Amendment shall become effective at 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on           , 2024.

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1        The reverse split ratio, of not less than 5-for-1 and not greater than 15-for-1, to be determined by the Board of Directors pursuant to authority granted by the stockholders.

2        The reverse split ratio, of not less than 5-for-1 and not greater than 15-for-1, to be determined by the Board of Directors pursuant to authority granted by the stockholders.


Table of ContentsAnnex A-1


Voting Instructions You can vote by Internet or Telephone! Instead of mailing your proxy, you may choose one, the undersigned authorized officer of the three voting options outlined below. VOTE BY INTERNET – www.colonialstock.com/Longeveron2023www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2023 i. You can viewCorporation has executed this Certificate of Amendment to the Longeveron Inc. Proxy StatementAmended and submit your vote online at the website listed above up until 6:007:00 p.m. ET on DecemberRestated Certificate of Incorporation as of             , 2024.




Wa’el Hashad


Chief Executive Officer

Annex A-2

25, 2023. You will need the control number at the left in order to do so. ii. Follow the instructions on the secure website to complete your vote. VOTE BY PHONE – 877-285-8605 You may vote by phone until 6:007:00 p.m. ET on December 2522, 2023. Please have your notice and proxy card in hand when you call. VOTE BY MAIL • If you have not voted via the internet OR telephone, mark, sign and return your proxy ballot in the postage-paid envelope provided. • Votes by mail must be received by December22, 2023. Longeveron Inc. 1951 NW 7th Avenue, Suite 520 Miami, Florida 33136 <Shareholder Name> <Shareholder Address1> <Shareholder Address2> <Shareholder Address3> Control #: 0000 0000 0000 TO VOTE, MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS FOLLOWS: Voting Instructions You can vote by Internet, Tele-phone, or Mail You may choose one of the three voting options outlined below, including mailing your proxy VOTE BY INTERNET – www.colonialstock.com/LGVN2024 You can view the Lon-geveron Inc. Proxy Statement and submit your vote online at the website listed above up until 7:00 p.m. ET on February 20, 2024. You will need the control number at the left in order to do so. Follow the instructions on the secure website to complete your vote. VOTE BY PHONE – 877-285-8605 You may vote by phone until 7:00 p.m. ET on February 20, 2024. Please have your notice and proxy card in hand when you call. VOTE BY MAIL If you have not voted via the internet OR telephone, mark, sign and return your proxy ballot in the post-age-paid envelope provided. • Votes by mail must be received by February 20, 2024. THIS PROXY BALLOT IS VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED AND DATED. THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE REGISTRANT’SREG-ISTRANT’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The undersigned hereby appoints Wa’el Hashad, Lisa LocklearLock-lear and Paul Lehr, and each or either of them, proxies for the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote all shares of Class A common stock, $0.001 par value per share and Class B common stock, $0.001 par value per share (collectively, the “Shares”) of LongeveronLon-geveron Inc. (the “Company”) which the undersigned would be entitled to vote at the SPECIALSPE-CIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY (THE “MEETING”) TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON December26, 2023,FEBRUARY 21, 2024, AT 11:1:00 a.m.P.M.., NEW YORKEASTERNEASTERN TIME, and directs that the Shares represented by this Proxy shall be voted as indicated below: For Against Abstain 1. Approval of the issuancean amendment to our certificate of upincorporation to 5,018,183shareseffect a reverse stock split of our Common Stock uponat a ratio of 1:5 to 1:15, with the exerciseexact ratio within such range to be determined by the Board of our Common Stock purchase warrants issued to an institutional Purchaser in and in connection with our registered offering that closed on October13, 2023 that may be equal to or exceed 20%Directors of our Common Stock outstanding before such offering.the Company at their dis-cretion. 2. Approval of a proposal to adjourn the Special Meeting to a later date, if necessarynec-essary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation and vote of proxies in the event that there are insufficient votes for, or otherwise in connection with, the approval of the Warrant ExerciseReverse Stock Split Proposal. In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.there-of. The boardBoard of directorsDirectors recommends a vote FOR Proposals 1 and 2. This Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein by the undersigned stockholder.un-dersigned stock-holder. If no direction is given, this Proxy will be voted FOR proposals 1 and 2. Please indicate if you plan to virtually attend this meeting. Yes No Sign exactly as name appears hereon. For joint accounts, all co-ownersco-owners should sign. Executors, administrators, custodians,adminis-trators, custodi-ans, trustees, etc. should so indicate when signing. Signature Date SignatureSig-nature (Joint Owners)Own-ers) Date